Hair Follicle Scan

Hair Follicle Scanning
& Solutions

Give your body what it is asking for, using a DIGITAL SCAN of LIVE Follicles.

Hair is an amazing, almost indestructible, bio-marker that carries a lot of personal information.  The information contained within the hair bulb is processed and maps key indicators of deficiencies in your body.


Digital Scan
of live Follicles

The epigenetic hair follicle scan is a digital scan of the bulb extracted from the head.  With just four stands you can see up to 800 different indicators and which are priority concerns for your body.

Find out what the body is deficient in and has too much of such as:

The Process

What you will SEE in your report

Too much in the body - Deficiencies - System Affected

How does it work?


Pick your program

3 Programs to choose from
- Starter
- Reboost Kit
- Rejuvenate Kit


Receive your Kit and return the hair sample

Follow the directions on the information card in the kit to properly retrieve your hair strand sample and mail hair sample in envelope provided.


Sample is processed

Once sample is processed you will be emailed the report and begin on any solutions included in your program.


Solutions shipped to your door

Solutions get drop shipped to your door.
*Initial supplement solution will be delivered within 10-14 days of your processed sample.

Customized and formulated for you. Evidence-based supplementation, assessing your body on a cellular level.

Each formulation is custom tailored to address the nutritional deficiencies and systems from your hair follicle report.

Program Levels

Starter Kit

$ 99 One Time Fee
  • Hair follicle Kit
  • Scan & Processing of follicle
  • 36+ page custom personal report
  • Includes Shipping

REBoost Kit

$ 249 One Time Fee
  • Hair follicle Kit
  • Scann & Processing of follicle
  • 36 + page custom personal report on your hair follicle results
  • Video analysis from our experts on your results + recommendations
  • 30 day supply of customized & specially formulated supplement solutions to address the deficiencies & systems needing support
  • Includes shipping

Rejuvenate Kit

$ 499 Every 90 Days
  • Hair follicle kit
  • Scan & Processing of follicle
  • 36 + page custom personal report on your hair follicle results
  • Video analysis from our experts on your results + recommendations
  • 90 day supply of specially formulated supplement solution to address the deficiencies & systems needing support
  • Inculdes shipping
Best Choice

Our users are Happy & Healthy

"Beyond the increased energy, I also experienced improvements in my overall health. My immune system seemed more robust, and I noticed a significant reduction in the frequency of minor illnesses. Additionally, my mood and mental clarity improved, making everyday challenges easier to navigate."

Theo James

"I've always been skeptical about the efficacy of supplements, but my experience with this has been nothing short of miraculous. I had been struggling with low energy levels, frequent fatigue, and a general sense of unwellness for quite some time. Traditional over-the-counter supplements didn't seem to make a significant difference, so I decided to give reboot a try and happy I did.

Emilia Murphy

“I appreciate the transparency of Reboot – knowing exactly what goes into my supplement gives me confidence in its effectiveness. The noticeable positive changes in my health have made me a loyal advocate for this custom supplement, and I can't recommend it enough to anyone looking for a tailored solution to their health concerns.

Eva Griffiths


Get a Sample Wellness Report