
Wound Care Professional Journal

Following focus group work we recognized  that there was a group of certified wound care professionals who were not being catered for with a journal that represented their educational needs.

From this research we are excited to share that we have created a brand-new journal:

Wound Care Professional

Unlike other journals, Wound Care Professional is multidisciplinary and aimed at:

  • Clinicians
  • Registered nurses
  • Podiatrists
  • Licensed Vocational Nurses
  • Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists.

What type of information will be in the Journal?

It will cover all wound types, offering accessible scientific- and clinical content as well as easily digestible ‘bite-size’ infographics of different aspects of wound care, as well as tips on how to implement theory into a real-world practice setting.

The first edition will include a wide range of themes and content from wound bed preparation to managing a diabetic foot ulcer.

Unique to Wound Care Professionals is a research round-up section, providing key points from a peer-reviewed journal article and explaining how to implement the findings in daily practice, resulting in better care for patients.


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