
Legislation HR 3674

Legislation HR 3674

Legislative News Update

By Nancy Morgan RN, BSN, MBA, WOC

Legislation that impacts wound care, patients and clinicians.

H.R. 3674:     

“Providing Relief and Stability for Medicare Patients Act of 2023.” is bipartisan legislation that mitigates cuts to office-based specialists and avoids significant disruptions in patient access to care.

H.R. 3674 would provide targeted relief for these practices by providing an increase to the non-facility practice expense relative value units (PE RVU’s) for those procedures performed in an office-based setting that utilize high-tech medical devices and/or equipment and thus were most negatively impacted in the 2022 PFS with the updating of the clinical labor costs in the budget neutral practice expense methodology.

To Learn more about Bill H.R. 3674, click here

Grassroots Call to Action- Act Now

Wound Care Clinicians are encouraged to ask your Member of Congress to support H.R. 3674 to secure additional cosponsors. Tell your representative to Stop Office-Based Speciality Cuts!

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